Friday 27 September 2013



Autumn has come and so have the rainy and cold afternoons.
"Rainy Afternoon" by Adam Antaloczy
These afternoons could be either the funniest or the most boring ones, depending on what you do to cover up all the free time they give you and you attitude towards them. 
For me, they were the perfect moment to do things I don't usually have the time to do because I have to be somewhere else doing something else. 
Anyway, there were moments where I had no clue on what to do at all. In those occasions I would just sit there either chatting with my friends on iMessage or FaceBook or tweeting things... Just missing my hole afternoon. 
Today it was one of those "unproductive" evenings, so, while on Twitter (what a surprise), I had this idea to share to you all the things you could do on a, let's say, "Rainy Afternoon". 

  • Read a book
I know this is the typical thing your parents would suggest, but at the same time it is a great idea for everyone who, like me, loves reading. 
This is an excellent thing to do on an Rainy Afternoon, as that could be the only free moment you'll have to read something in the whole week. 
It is relaxing and very entertaining, and a way of disconnecting from the real world. 
By reading, you enter into a completely new world where everything could be possible and you'll never know what could happen as soon as you turn over the page. 
It is like watching a film inside your head, in some ways. 
So, do not wait any more and pick up one of those books they've gave you as a birthday present and give them a try. 
You never know what you could find inside a book. 

  •  Listen to some music
But not the music you already have. 
I'm sure you have a computer with internet connection in your house, if not, how else would you be reading this?
Go to YouTube and do a little research on the type the music you like or the songs that are trending all around the world. 
That's actually how I found out about  most of the groups I usually listen to. 
It is also an amazing opportunity to find out what's going on with your favourite bands or singers. 

  • Start a project you have in mind
That's actually how I started this Blog. 
Rainy Afternoons are a great opportunity to do something you didn't have time to do throughout the week and to give a try to new things. 
It doesn't have to be something like "writing a Blog", "create a webpage".. it could just be something you were wiling to do for a long time but did not have the time or energy to do it. 

  • Get updated
Open your monthly magazine and start reading it.
It doesn't even have to be the magazine you use to read. 
This kind of afternoons are based on finding new interests and escaping a little bit from your comfort zone. 
Actually, I started to get interested in fashion in one of these afternoons. I just remember going into my mum's old bookshelf and finding loads of forgotten fashion magazines. 
Rainy Afternoons are the best moments to discover new things and to get engaged to loads of new pastimes.  

  • Call a friend
Invite him over to your house or go to his/hers. 
Rainy Afternoons are the best for sitting on a sofa watching telly or playing video games with someone you enjoy being with. 
You could organise a big meetup in your house, watch a film, play video games... Whatever. 
Many of you who are reading may think that this is totally unproductive, and you're right, but who doesn't enjoy the company of a few friends acompained by a couple of laughs? 
It is not for the film or video games, you could actually just watch the rain pouring down the window or the fire in the chimney blazing.. As long as you're with your friends having a good time it doesn't matter

  • Learn something new!
Some people take advantage of these afternoons by learning to do something. 
Maybe they don't really need to learn anything new, or what they learn may not be of any use to them at all... But it is a good idea for those who love learning every single day a new thing. 
I have a friend who actually decided to learn to juggle in one of this afternoons. When I asked him what was the use for that he just shrugged it off and said: "You'll never know when you're going to need to juggle for the circus".
But you can also learn interesting things. 
In my case, I once decided to learn how to play the guitar in one of these afternoons. I picked up they guitar my parent's gave me as a Christmas present and learnt how to tune it. I've been playing the guitar since then. 

As you can see, there are a lot of things to do in these afternoons. Just don't lay on the sofa like a dead seal! You have the world ahead of you! 

Love always, 

Fashion AL

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